討論"腹股溝疝氣"與"精索靜脈曲張"的腹腔鏡手術、勃起功能障礙及慢性攝護腺發炎的震波治療,人工陰莖植入手術的園地。An area for inguinal hernia and varicocele, shock wave treatment for Erectile Dysfunction and chronic prostatitis, penile prosthesis implantation.
圖一:三件式人工陰莖的外型 (Figure 1, adopted from Boston Scientific, AMS 700 model)
A: 圓柱管 B: 水球 C: 幫浦
(Figure adopted from Boston Scientific, AMS 700 model)
附註: 人工陰莖作用模擬影片(Video adotped from AMSMensHealth.com)
本文作者 吳佳璋醫師
How to restore musculinities and improve erectile function?
By means of the implantation of latest model of inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP, AMS 700™, by Boston Scientific), an impotent man can retore his musculinites and erectile function and have successful sex life again.
It takes about one hour to implant the device into man's penis (corpous cavernosum), either under local anesthesia or general anesthesia.
The IPP was composed by 3 parts: cylinder, reservoir and pump. (Figure 1, A: cylinder, B: reservoir, C: pump)
The working principle of this device is when one is pumping the pump, the water within the resevoir will flow into the cylinders. After adequate water flowed into the cylinders within corpus cavernosum, the penile will erect and be ready for sex.
Figure 2 shows each part of the IPP is placed properly inside the penis, retroperitoneal space and scrotum.
The attached video demostrates how to make the IPP work successfully. (Video adopted from AMSMensHealth.com)
The benefits of implantation of IPP include:
1. Simple operation and rare operation associated complications.
2. 100% successful rate of sex behavior whenever necessary.
3. Ejaculation function is totall reserved without sacrificing orgasm.
Under experiened hands of urologic surgeon, the successful rate of implanting the IPP can be as high as nearly 100%, and the post-operative infection possibilities may also decrease under adequate antibiotics using.
Dr. Chia-Chang Wu M.D., Ph.D
Department of Urology, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei Medical University, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Other Experience/Activities:
Member of Taiwan Urological Association
Member and director of Taiwan Hernia Society
Member and supervisor of Taiwanese Association of Andrology
Member of Taiwanese Continence Society
Main Area of Interests:
Erectile dysfunction:
--Extracorporeal shock wave treatment of erectile dysfunction
--Penile prosthesis implantation
Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome:
--Diagnosis and Extracorporeal shock wave treatment
單孔腹腔鏡疝氣修補手術(Laparo-endoscopic single site surgery for total extraperitoneal herniorrhaphy, LESS TEP)引進台灣已有近8年的歷史,在台灣泌尿科界單孔手術的先驅為新店慈濟醫院的蔡曜州醫師,而雙和醫院泌尿科吳佳璋醫師在蔡曜州醫師的帶領之下,也完成為數不少的單孔腹腔鏡疝氣修補手術,而且病患手術後恢復良好、滿意度極高。